Corrective facials are tailored to your skin, so they work differently from client to client. We’ll work closely with you to identify your biggest skin woes. From there, we’ll create a treatment plan that will help tackle those skin woes.
Some examples of our corrective facials include:
HydraFacial MD
Chemical Peels
Reset Facial – a 30-minute express facial for professional cleansing and maintenance
Recharge Facial – a 40-minute customized facial with a skin analysis, extractions, and LED therapy
Refine Facial – a 50-minute customized facial with a skin analysis, extraction, seasonal mask, and LED therapy
Deep Pore Cleansing – Extended extraction sessions followed by a calming mask and LED therapy
Back Facial – A 50-minute facial that cleans and exfoliates the back, followed by extractions and a moisturizing mask.