
Do you feel self-conscious about a lack of abdominal muscle tone? Do you wish you could tone up your thighs or glutes without doing thousands of squats and lunges? If so, CoolTone at The Refinery Medspa & Wellness located in West Melborne, FL and Skin & Body by The Refinery in Indian Harbour Beach, Fl may be appropriate for you. To help you determine whether this treatment is right for you, keep reading.

What Is CoolTone Used for? 

CoolTone is used to tone the thighs, buttocks, or stomach. This is accomplished by facilitating 25,000 involuntary muscle contractions in 30 minutes. While your muscles will feel worked after your session is complete, it will take two to four weeks before you see the benefits of your first session. All told, it can take up to six months for the final results of your first session to become apparent.

Depending on how much subcutaneous fat you have in your area of concern, how much muscle tone you already have, and your cosmetic goals, you may need roughly four to eight sessions. Generally, these sessions are spaced a few days apart. If you need eight treatment sessions, you should expect to come in twice per week for four weeks. You should expect to see your desired results no more than six months after you started treatment.

Is There Any Downtime Required After This Treatment? 

No, there is no downtime required following this muscle toning treatment. As soon as your convenient, painless treatment session is over, you are free to return to work. However, you will need to follow several post-treatment care guidelines. For example, you will need to make sure you get your recommended daily allowance of magnesium to help your heavily taxed muscles relax.

As another example, you need to make time to get 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise daily after your treatment session. Aerobic exercise is important because it supports the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. These systems are crucial for the delivery of growth factors, oxygen, and nutrients to the muscles, facilitating rapid healing and muscle growth. Examples of moderate aerobic exercise you may want to consider include: 

  • Walking
  • Tai chi
  • Spinning
  • Slow indoor rowing
  • Water aerobics

How Should I Prepare for My Treatment Session? 

It is ideal to arrive at your appointment wearing thin, comfortable clothes. If you’re targeting your abdominal muscles, consider wearing a tank top. If you’re targeting your glutes or quads, consider wearing leggings. Do not wear any clothing with the word “antimicrobial” on the label. This is a potential indication that there are silver mesh fibers in the clothing. You should also not wear clothing with metallic buttons.

In addition to not wearing clothing with metal, you should come in without any metallic accessories. For example, you should not wear any silver jewelry.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment? 

You may be considered a good candidate for this treatment if you are struggling to achieve an ideal muscle tone. That said, you should know that not everyone with a lack of muscle tone qualifies. The lower your body fat percentage is, generally, the more likely it is that you will be considered a good candidate for this treatment.

Regardless of your body fat percentage, though, there are universal contraindications. For example, you will not qualify for this treatment if you suffer from a medical condition that causes seizures, like diabetes, encephalitis, meningitis, or epilepsy.

What Other Services in Indian Harbour Beach or West Melbourne Can Help Me Improve My Appearance? 

If you’re concerned about excess fat in addition to a lack of muscle tone, there are several cosmetic treatments that may be appropriate for you. For example, if you are worried about submental fullness, Kybella injections, CoolSculpting, or CoolSculpting Elite may be appropriate for you. If you are worried about excess fat in other areas, like the buttocks, thighs, or abdomen, CoolSculpting or CoolSculpting Elite should be considered.

What Is Kybella

Kybella is an injectable fat removal treatment approved by the FDA to destroy excess fat cells in the chin and neck. Its active ingredient is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, but the man-made chemical is indistinguishable from the bile acid your gut produces naturally. You don’t have to worry about your body reacting negatively to this synthetic chemical because it can’t tell that the acid is foreign.

When injected into the submental region, the walls of some of the fat cells are broken down. Once that is accomplished, your body’s waste removal system notices the destroyed fat cells. Then it gets to work carrying them away from the treated areas and flushing them out through exhalation and trips to the restroom.

What Is CoolSculpting? 

CoolSculpting, like Kybella, is a non-invasive fat removal treatment approved by the FDA to treat submental fullness. However, this cold-based fat removal treatment can do a lot more than that. It is also FDA-approved to remove excess subcutaneous fat from several other areas, including the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

If you have excess subcutaneous fat in these areas and you’re frustrated by a lack of muscle tone in these areas, you could benefit significantly by getting both a fat removal and muscle toning treatment. The less subcutaneous fat you have in an area of your body, the more clearly visible your toned muscles are.

Am I a Good CoolSculpting Candidate?

You may be deemed a good CoolSculpting candidate if you have a moderate amount of excess fat negatively affecting the appearance of your inner thighs, outer thighs, distal thighs, buttocks region, flanks, upper back, upper arms, abdomen, or submental region. This treatment can be effective in the case of severe excess fat deposits. However, you will need more treatment sessions to achieve your desired results.

Depending on the amount of subcutaneous fat you have in your areas of concern and your goals, you may need between one and six treatment sessions to achieve your desired results. These sessions are spaced several weeks apart and may take between 35 and 45 minutes depending on the size of the areas being targeted, your goals, and your current contours.

Who Is a Poor CoolSculpting Candidate? 

While CoolSculpting is safe and effective for most adults with moderate or severe excess fat deposits, it is not appropriate for everyone. For example, you will be considered a poor fit for this treatment if you suffer from a medical condition that causes extreme sensitivity to the cold, like hypothyroidism, anemia, or Raynaud phenomenon. Moreover, you will be deemed a poor fit for this treatment if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffering from obesity.

If you plan to become pregnant in the future, this fat removal treatment may still be appropriate for you. The fat removal results will be permanent, but your contours may change with pregnancy.

CoolTone is used to stimulate muscle contractions, improving the appearance of the treated area. To find out if this treatment is appropriate for you, requests a complimentary consultation with us now at The Refinery Medspa & Wellness located in West Melborne, FL and Skin & Body by The Refinery in Indian Harbour Beach, F by using our simple online form. Alternatively, you can also call us at 321-341-3321 to reach us in West Melbourne, FL, or call us at 321-428-3004 to reach us in Indian Harbour Beach, FL. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for our latest deals and specials & events!